Excellent Low Light photos with Lumia Camera



Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Panasonic Lumix DMC LX3

Nokia Lumia 1020. Nokia Lumia 1020. DXOMARK Sensor Scores. Overall Score [?]. 41. Portrait (Color Depth) [?]. 20.2 bits. Landscape (Dynamic Range) [?]. 10.4 Evs.

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Leica S

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Leica S. COMPARISON SELECTION (3 selected items max.) VIEW COMPARISON ADD MORE. Scores; Specifications; Measurements; Lenses tested.

Nokia Lumia 1020 sensor review

With a DxOMark sensor score of 41 points the Nokia 1020 has a global ranking of 222 in our database (of 242 cameras). With the exception of the ...

Nokia Lumia 1020

Nokia Lumia 1020 Scores 41 sensor Overall Sensor Score i 41 BEST 102 Portrait (Color Depth) i 20.2 BEST 26.5 Top score Phase One IQ180 Digital Back.

Nokia Lumia 1020 overview: Has the best gotten better?

The Nokia Lumia 1020 is one of the best cameraphones for stills, but its video performance could be improved, which lowers its overall ranking.


NokiaLumia1020.NokiaLumia1020.DXOMARKSensorScores.OverallScore[?].41.Portrait(ColorDepth)[?].20.2bits.Landscape(DynamicRange)[?].10.4Evs.,NokiaLumia1020vsLeicaS.COMPARISONSELECTION(3selecteditemsmax.)VIEWCOMPARISONADDMORE.Scores;Specifications;Measurements;Lensestested.,WithaDxOMarksensorscoreof41pointstheNokia1020hasaglobalrankingof222inourdatabase(of242cameras).Withtheexceptionofthe ...,Noki...